Friday, March 28, 2014

No Puppy Left Behind

This morning I thought I would sleep in later, than when the last two puppy boys wake me up, but I wake up the same time anyway. I think my body is still in automatic mode of a work schedule and living with puppies. Yesterday our last two boys went to their new home and ever since I've been trying to not think about them being here. It's hard. At first, I couldn't even clean up the garage without imagining them looking up at me with that what are we going to do now face. 

I'm on spring break, but have had most of it with all four huskies. It is fun to not have to go to work and stay as long as you want with your animal family. We have fun running around, playing with toys, and even napping together. Now all the puppies are gone. I'm so thankful that our last new puppy parents wanted to take both boys. It is a miracle, because that is what we waited for. 

All I want for each puppy in their new homes is to be HEALTHY and HAPPY. That's it. Each home is different and each of their lives growing up will be different, but in the end I just wish that they live a healthy and happy life. I'm not sad anymore of them being gone, but I will confess my tears when the first puppy and the last puppies left. I did my best to not get attached to any of them, but when factors like extra time and love are involved, it's almost impossible not to. I always tell myself that they are going to great homes and it helps heal the loss. 

Benny and Cora are not puppies, but I do look at them differently. There's a mature feeling I have when I look at them. I think I appreciate them more for what they have learned since being puppies. I also know this experience has given them more happiness to their life. So I see how they are as individuals and as a parent team. I love them for it. They are definitely less work, but still require husky attention. They deserve more walks, car rides, and chew toys than what we've been giving them since the puppies have come.

This whole experience is very rewarding and requiring of my money, time, and care, but again, they are all worth it. It's worth it to put all your energy into raising an animal the right way because it satisfies my conscious and their well being for life. I will accept another litter from Cora, but I think two is the most I can do. It's just hard when I work to carry this on. It could be different the second time around and in a new setting. 

Anyway, I'm tired but I need to get up and start my last few days of spring break with my animal family that's left. Still honored and proud to say that all our husky puppies went to great homes, loving families, and I wish the best and only good thoughts their way. 

Thank you for reading this blog, especially those of you who were with me since entry one. I really appreciate the support and comments from all of you during the journey. I will post more if a new litter comes soon. If not, you'll have to wait until the next adventure with husky puppies. 

Husky puppy freedom and love!
-Ms. F 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

2 Boys Left

Hello MsFsHuskyPuppies Visitors!

As of right now, we only have two puppies left. Boy 2 and Boy 3 are hogging all our attention. I think these two boys should stay together and go to a new home together. They are the cutest growing up together! 

They do everything together. Boy 2 is the leader and Boy 3 is the follower. Boy 2 is more independent and Boy 3 is more playful. If Boy 2 drinks water, Boy 3 will follow. If Boy 2 wants to play with a toy, Boy 3 will try to take it. If Boy 3 gets a jerky treat first, then Boy 2 will try to take it away. They do act like little brothers. 

I am so happy to have two left and I didn't think I would say that. I am still sad to not see the other puppies here, but I'm not missing the work it is to keep them. If I live in a bigger house sooner than later, I will keep these boys. I know all the puppies so far are living in great homes where they will get a lot of attention from loving puppy parents. I still wonder sometimes what they would be doing when I think of each one.

I will continue to be patient and wait for two more good homes. These boys deserve it. They are curious, smart, playful, and so sweet. One day this past week, coming home from work I am really stressed and realize that I am on puppy duty alone. So I sit in the garage with one of my camping chairs. I take out my camping chair, turn a storage box over, and place my work laptop on top. I work away on report cards and emails while Boy 2 and Boy 3 chill with me there. Boy 2 and 3 love to sit in my lap, but Boy 3 loves it more. He always asks to sit in my lap. 

All four huskies living in this home are behaving like a real wolf pack. Benny tries to get everything first, whether it's food, treats, or toys. Cora knows to wait, but the puppies try to test Benny if he's not paying attention to steal whatever he is protecting. Usually Benny gives a scary growl and the puppies change their mind and wait too. They all lie down and eat together sometimes. I really can see the beauty in wild dog families. 

This whole experience is really making me want to work with animals. I love teaching, but sorry kids; puppies are cuter! Here's a video of the boys puppy wrestling. Enjoy until I post again!

Here's the link to these boys on
<a href="">Puppies for Sale...</a>
I hope that works!